Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Publishing on the Internet

I love the idea of publishing on the Internet! I have never done this with my students, but am excited about the sites we viewed during this module. We do writing workshop everyday in my classroom. Students love this time, but I can imagine the excitement I will get from them when they can revise a piece and prepare it to be published on the Internet where all of their family and friends can view it. I believe the interested created through this publishing would help with the battle of revising and editing. I realize that this would be more difficult for young students, but adult helpers or older students could assist. It would also be a great way to write in groups or create a classroom story.


Courtney said...

In my student teaching class we recently finished revising and editing books to be published. The students really enjoyed the process. I can imagine that the students would have also enjoyed publishing their work on the internet. I also believe that some of the difficulties in revising and editing would also be diminished when publishing on the internet.

JamesSmall said...

I agree with both postings on this topic. One of the largest "battles" to overcome for some students is the will to write. Some children simply do not want to write and the prospect of publishing in this fashion may motivate some children to do so.

SarahPinkus said...

I teach kindergarten and use third grade buddies to help my students write. My students first brainstorm and draw pictures and simple words about what they would like to write about. We then go to the computer lab with our buddies to write. The older students are GREAT about being patient and helping my students get their voice across!